Understand who you're working with before entering into a contract or binding agreement. Firms doing business overseas or with overseas companies, agents, partners, or governments are required to conduct their due diligence and ensure that they have robust anti-bribery/anti-corruption (ABC) programs in place that, in part, document compliance with the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA).

Corruption—and failing to take adequate steps to prevent it—can have serious consequences for one’s brand and reputation, share value, and future opportunities. In the worst cases, it can lead to debarment, substantial financial penalties, and even imprisonment for those deemed responsible—including senior management and board members.

Xpera provides a continuum of ABC services to assist firms with overseas interests that mitigate the regulatory and reputational risks associated with corruption. Our service offering includes risk mapping and development of preventative measures (designing and implementing policies and procedures, monitoring and testing of internal controls, ABC training and communications) through to response to regulator/law enforcement inquiries and compliance with disclosure and probation orders.